《吃飯》- (trans.) having a meal  

today a few colleagues prepared a meal
for the rest of the team labouring together
simple home-cooked Teochew porridge and dishes
warmed and comforted the heart
I feel as if I have returned home
but it is now that I realised that since your departures
the idea of a home has altered
to be able to return home to have a meal
is happiness at its simplest
I wish that everyone could do just that
while they still can


《心情》- (trans.) emotions
the most challenging luggage to pack
is this


《祝福》- (trans.) blessings
every person has a stage in their lives

where friends are mostly starting a family

and wedding invitations are plentiful

I too have a stage in my life

where I did a different kind of ceremony

the funeral of my mum and dad

and all that I had listed above

I was present


《皮蛋瘦肉粥》- (trans.) century egg and lean pork congee
a breakfast that I am largely uninterested in
suddenly becoming something that lingers on my mind

perhaps because it was your favourite

hence whenever I am eating this
I feel a little closer to you

《勇氣》- (trans.) courage
today morning

I am finally able to remove from the fridge the packet of
          peanuts we shared

and throw it away


《那天我和妹妹的救世主》- (trans.) the saviour of the day
was reminded of the day of your departure while eating an ice cream

we could not comprehend what is really happening that day

simply sitting in an emotionless state at the site of your memorial wake

until a familiar bell from afar woke both of us up


there was a wish that we could find a sort of salvation from an ice cream

so we each bought an ice cream sandwich

with expectations that eating a dessert could numb our pain


the scorching heat from the afternoon sun that day coupled with the
          healing sweetness in our mouth

we each ordered a second serving after finishing the first one almost


the ice cream seller thereby became the saviour of that day for us both


《事實》- (trans.) facts
at the dining table of every family

there will be that one person who sends all the others off


《今晚的慾望》- (trans.) the desire of tonight
went to the supermarket to get 3 big tomatoes

to slice it up and pan fry with some oil

served with a sprinkle of pepper and salt


《好久不見》- (trans.) long time no see
I watched a film today

an action film with a plot revolving around firemen

and it is a genre which you enjoyed

the reason this film is superb

is because I felt you beside me

and it allowed me to feel you close

for another 120 minutes


《遺產》- (trans.) inheritance
the bottle of shampoo we shared

the towel you left behind this morning

the laundry in the washer

and your shoes with fresh socks in it


《炒福建蝦麵》- (trans.) fried hokkien mee
today while sister was with me

I found the courage to order the supper we normally had

and the realization when the food is in my mouth

that heartache can also be tangibly consumed


《都市節奏》- (trans.) rhythm of the city
1030pm at a 24hr supermarket

a gentleman carrying a six-pack cheap lager

and two tins of formula milk

left the place after paying at the cashier


《過了今天我們或許不會再見面》- (trans.) I might not see you again after today
in my life’s experience

the art installation which left the deepest impression

had only allowed me a day to plan

and it was installed for 3 days

the site planning went quite well

and the demographic of the attendees was quite diverse

I adopted a more inclusive concept as the art direction

to allow all that are present

to have a space and way of their own

to express their goodbyes to you

who can no longer hear them


《沒有以後》- there will not be another time
through the glass I see you sleeping

hoping to touch the wound on your forehead

and to caress your thinning scalp


《獨來獨往》- alone we come, alone we will go
the coffin is a single bed after all

《與妳走近就不想走盡》- (trans.) since I got close to you, I never wish to be apart from you
you used that which belongs to you to show me what exist
          in the Chinese character of Love
an organ that survived being cremated, twice